March 2022

Spring is here and sailing season is around the corner. As much as I am looking forward to some great sailing weather, I am hoping for a very wet spring. Lake levels are historically low, but rainfall this spring could catch us up. I am still hopeful for a nearly full pool for the summer.

While the rain has been delayed it has not slowed our planning for a fun sailing season both on and off the water. The countless hours of volunteer work from our membership never ceases to amaze me. The dedication of our membership is the backbone of our incredible community.

Thank you to everyone who has shown up at work parties. It takes a lot of work to get the club grounds shipshape for the season opening. Work parties will continue and we appreciate all of the hard work each and every one of you put in. Marji, Bob, Gary, and Paul, thank you for the endless hours you provide. This club would not be the incredible place it is without your tireless dedication.

Sail School will also be returning in full this June after a few COVID and water delays. Janell has an incredible week planned. We look forward to seeing many of you during one of the EYC’s best weeks.

We can also look forward to an incredible Memorial Day Regatta, Deck Party, and 4th of July in the coming months.

I am looking forward to the wet spring and a full lake. I can’t wait to see you all on the water soon.