May 2022 Commodore's Corner

As a member of the Eugene Yacht Club I have always appreciated the work of all of the volunteers and our employees. Today I would like to acknowledge the years of dedication of Rich Aaring, our retiring Club Manager.

Rich has been the EYC Club Manager since I joined the club. His calm and friendly manor helped me quickly feel at home here. As a mostly volunteer driven club it is incredibly important to use the various strengths of our members as effectively as possible. One of Rich’s greatest strengths is his ability to help people find their place. 

It was not until I joined the board that I was truly able to see how deeply invested Rich is in the success of EYC. I think everyone on the board during Rich’s tenure will agree that his knowledge of the club and how it runs is invaluable. Anytime I needed to figure out how to make something happen, my first call has always been Rich. Not only does he know the history and the grounds, the Board of Directors has always been able to trust that the permits, leases, and other important details will be taken care of. Thank you for reducing the stresses faced by the board.

I am happy to say that we continue to see Rich at the club regularly, sailing with Rich Johnson on Thursday nights, at his trailer with Dixie, on Race Committee, and generally around the club. I hope you will enjoy relaxing as a member without the worries and responsibilities of being the Club Manager. But don’t rest too easy, we will still rely on your knowledge in your newly appointed position as Club Historian!

Thank you, Rich, for all you have done for EYC and thank you for your friendship!

Oh, and I filled the lake! 

Matt Sprick

2022 EYC Commodore